Automatiza el backup de tus aplicaciones APEX
Hacer backups es algo muy común y es bien sabido que muchas empresas requieren hacer backups de sus aplicaciones cada cierto tiempo, en el caso de oracle apex no es la excepción y podemos automatizar esta tarea con el periodo que se requiera.
Lo primero que tenemos que saber, es que cuando descargas oracle apex, encontrarás un archivo llamado APEXExport.class que nos hará la vida más fácil, ya que con este archivo haremos los respaldos de:
- Una aplicación
- Todas las aplicaciones de un workspace
- Toda la instancia
- Exportar todos los worskspaces
- Exportar y dar retroalimentación al ambiente de desarrollo
A continuación te dejo toda la documentación de como usar la clase y sus ejemplos
java oracle.apex.APEXExport ...returns the following output with both usage directions and examples. Usage java oracle.apex.APEXExport [option]... Available options: -db: Database connect url in JDBC format -user: Database username -password: Database password -applicationid: ID for application to be exported -workspaceid: Workspace ID for which all applications to be exported or the workspace to be exported -instance: Export all applications -expWorkspace: Export workspace identified by -workspaceid or all workspaces if -workspaceid not specified -expMinimal: Only export workspace definition, users, and groups -expFiles: Export all workspace files identified by -workspaceid -skipExportDate: Exclude export date from application export files -expPubReports: Export all user saved public interactive reports -expSavedReports: Export all user saved interactive reports -expIRNotif: Export all interactive report notifications -expTranslations: Export the translation mappings and all text from the translation repository -expFeedback: Export team development feedback for all workspaces or identified by -workspaceid to development or deployment -expTeamdevdata: Export team development data for all workspaces or identified by -workspaceid -deploymentSystem: Deployment system for exported feedback -expFeedbackSince: Export team development feedback since date in the format YYYYMMDD -expOriginalIds: If specified, the application export will emit ids as they were when the application was imported -expNoSubscriptions: Do not export references to subscribed components -expComments: Export developer comments -expSupportingObjects: Pass (Y)es, (N)o or (I)nstall to override the default -expACLAssignments: Export ACL User Role Assignments. -debug: Print debug output -nochecksum: Overwrite existing files even if the contents have not changed -split: Split applications into multiple files Single Application Example: APEXExport -db localhost:1521:ORCL -user scott -password scotts_password -applicationid 31500 All Applications in a Workspace Example: APEXExport -db localhost:1521:ORCL -user scott -password scotts_password -workspaceid 9999 All Applications in an Instance Example: APEXExport -db localhost:1521:ORCL -user system -password systems_password -instance Export All Workspaces Example: APEXExport -db localhost:1521:ORCL -user system -password systems_password -expWorkspace Export Feedback to development environment: APEXExport -db localhost:1521:ORCL -user scott -password scotts_password -workspaceid 9999 -expFeedback Export Feedback to deployment environment EA2 since 20100308: APEXExport -db localhost:1521:ORCL -user scott -password scotts_password -workspaceid 9999 -expFeedback -deploymentSystem EA2 -expFeedbackSince 20100308
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Hola buenas tardes tengo un problemas con las carga de datos masivo
resulta que el apex collection solo soporta 50 columnas y en caso tal de que yo tenga que realizar un cargue mucho mayor como se realizaria ?