oracle apex

Cambiar el tema de tus aplicaciones

Cambiar el tema de tus aplicaciones es una característica que todas nuestras aplicaciones de apex deberían tener. En el siguiente vídeo encontrarás un ejemplo de como configurar tus aplicaciones para que sea una tarea sencilla de realizar.


select d,
          s.theme_style_id r
from apex_application_theme_styles s, apex_application_themes t
where s.application_id = t.application_id
and s.theme_number = t.theme_number
and s.application_id = :app_id
and t.ui_type_name   = 'DESKTOP'
and t.is_current = 'Yes'
order by 1

if :P24_DESKTOP_THEME_STYLE_ID is not null then
    for c1 in (select theme_number
               from apex_application_themes
               where application_id = :app_id
               and ui_type_name   = 'DESKTOP'
               and is_current = 'Yes')
        apex_theme.set_current_style (
            p_theme_number   => c1.theme_number,
            p_id => :P24_DESKTOP_THEME_STYLE_ID
    end loop;
end if;

select s.theme_style_id
from apex_application_theme_styles s, apex_application_themes t
where s.application_id = t.application_id
and s.theme_number = t.theme_number
and s.application_id = :app_id
and t.ui_type_name   = 'DESKTOP'
and s.is_current = 'Yes'


select 1
from apex_application_theme_styles s, apex_application_themes t
where s.application_id = t.application_id
and s.theme_number = t.theme_number
and s.application_id = :app_id
and t.ui_type_name   = 'DESKTOP'
and t.is_current = 'Yes'


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